Indian TV Fined for Anti-Pakistan Content in London..

LONDON: An Indian TV channel has been fined  20,000 GBP for spreading hatred against Pakistanis in the UK, from the UK's TV channels and radio watchdog institution "Ofcom".. According to the report, in a program hosted by Arnab Goswami on Indian Channel Republic TV, Pakistanis were called thieves, beggars and other nicknames. Ofcom says that anti-Pakistanis sentiments were aroused during the program. Such programs could endanger the lives of Pakistanis. The British organization says that Arnab Goswami has violated the values ​​of journalism in his program. Such programs can disrupt the relations between Pakistani and Indian communities. On the other hand, after the fine was imposed, the Indian TV channel has assured Ofcom that in the future there will be no program in the UK which is not in accordance with the local laws.



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