The Powerful Voice of Self-determination

The strong voice of the right to self-determination has once again been raised by the UN General Assembly. The 193-member body on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, unanimously approved a resolution tabled by Pakistan with the cooperation of 71 countries in support of granting the right to self-determination to those affected by colonial, foreign and foreign occupation. The General Assembly, while vehemently opposing foreign military intervention, aggression and occupation, called on the countries involved in the process to immediately end their military intervention in other countries and territories. As Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, has said, through this resolution, the General Assembly has sealed Islamabad's legal, political and moral case against the foreign occupation of all people, including the Kashmiri people. Intentions have been presented with all available resources in the context of the struggle. The General Assembly, in the form of a report on "Social Development", also stressed the importance of removing obstacles to the right to self-determination. A resolution passed by a majority vote also reiterated support for the Palestinian people's right to self-determination, including an independent state.These General Assembly resolutions represent a global conscience. The Security Council must take immediate action to ensure that these legal declarations are implemented. Steps should be taken to prevent the mountains of atrocities against the Kashmiri and Palestinian people and to ensure their right to self-determination. There have been several Security Council meetings on Kashmir since the Indian move on August 5, 2019, but the issue of basic human rights is still awaiting resolution.


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