Muhammad Ali Jinnah: The Quaid-e-Azam..

Quaid-e-Azam attends cabinet meeting Many members did not arrive on time. Quaid-i-Azam looked at the time on the clock and ordered that all the empty chairs be removed from the hall and the meeting be started. The order was carried out. Later, all the late comrades and ministers stood up and attended the meeting.The situation in East Pakistan was not better. Quaid-e-Azam intended to go there. The Governor General's official plane, the Dakota, was very small because the Quaid-e-Azam was ill and could not travel comfortably. In view of his ill health, it was suggested that a plane be chartered from a private company for the Governor-General's visit, which would cost only five thousand pounds (eight or ten thousand rupees). When Quaid-e-Azam was informed, he wrote the following remarks on this file and sent it back: "The treasury of a poor country cannot afford that much. I will go in a small plane. "The cabinet meeting was going on. Quaid-e-Azam was asked when the tea break should be taken.
Quaid-i-Azam replied, " These people came from home to drink tea?" The country's treasury is for the country, not for people's tea. "For Quaid-e-Azam, a large loaf of bread used to come daily from a nearby bakery. One day Ms. Fatima Jinnah called the owner of the bakery and said that the bread you send is a big one, we use a quarter of it. If the rest is left over and lost, please send us a small loaf. The bakery owner apologizes that he only has this template. Fatima Jinnah asked him to make a small template. Do you know if other people need it too?
Nawab Siddique Ali Khan writes in his book: George VI was King of England. Quaid-e-Azam was in London for talks at the time. He received a luncheon invitation from the king, which was considered a great honor at the time. But Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the invitation. When asked the reason, he replied that this is the holy month of Ramadan and Muslims fast in it.He once ordered to put a writing table in his plane. When the file reached the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Finance gave permission but wrote this note: "The Governor General is bound to get permission from the Ministry of Finance before issuing such orders." He apologized in writing to the Ministry of Finance and revoked his order.
Nawab Siddique Ali Khan writes in his book: George VI was King of England. Quaid-e-Azam was in London for talks at the time. He received a luncheon invitation from the king, which was considered a great honor at the time. But Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the invitation. When asked the reason, he replied that this is the holy month of Ramadan and Muslims fast in it.He once ordered to put a writing table in his plane. When the file reached the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Finance gave permission but wrote this note: "The Governor General is bound to get permission from the Ministry of Finance before issuing such orders." He apologized in writing to the Ministry of Finance and revoked his order.
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